Flour Free Spinach Crepes
These guilt-free and easy to make crepes will satisfied your appetite anytime.
What You Need:
1/2 Cups of oatmeal
1/4 Cups of water
1 Cup of Spinach
2 Eggs
Salt & pepper
1 /2 Teaspoon of chia seeds (optional)
Mixed all the ingredients in a blender. In a frying pan, cook crepes at low temperature from both sides until they look cooked (about 4min from each side)
To keep the crepes warm, put them aside and cover them with a plate.
You can eat the crepes with anything but my favorite is to eat them with grilled vegetables that you can cook aside on a pan. I recommend onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic and parsley. Cook for a few minutes and serve them on top of the crepes. You can drizzle some olive oil or feta cheese to add flavor.
Buen Provecho!
Spinach crepe with grilled veggies.